World Site Index


World Site Index Blog / Archive by date: July 2007

Archive for July, 2007

Starting to use Live News

Back in May 2007 we added the ability for listed sites to push news items in real-time for publication on World Site Index, however take up of the service has been disappointing, either people are not understanding it or they are so focused on getting a link at any cost they ignoring other advertising options.

This weekend sees the owner of travel and tourism directory making full use of the live news publishing system, he’s using the feed to advertise that they are offering free ads for a limited time. Since the news item was published a few thousand potentials have passed through the home page of World Site Index and been exposed to their offer.

You might be wondering how much this cost? The answer is nothing, once a site is listed within or database it is currently free for site owners to push news items.

If you are interested in pushing your news items to us for publication then have a read of the how-to guide and then you can start pushing news using the news submission form.

Free WordPress Theme Sunset Forest

Sunset Forest

A free WordPress theme with an outdoor feel to it.

Get a copy now or view other themes.

Free WordPress Templates

We are pleased to now be offering a selection of free templates for users of WordPress.

The templates are all widget ready and were built on WordPress 2.2. At the moment we have 3 templates available for download but will be increasing the number as time permits.

You can view thumbnails of the themes and download them from our themes page.

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